The ESA Business Incubation Centre Sweden opened in December 2015 and is managed by Arctic Business in the Northern Region, in collaboration with Uppsala Innovation Centre in the Capital Region, Innovatum in the Western Region and Ideon Science Park in the South Region.
ESA BIC Sweden has supported nearly 40 space tech startups.
Local partners include Luleå University of Technology, Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University, University West, University of Stockholm, Mälardalens University, Chalmers University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and several institutes and laboratories.
Enterprises like Aeroflex Gaisler, APR Tec, Bruhnspace, EISCAT, GKN Aerospace, IRF, IR Nova, OHB Sweden, RUAG Space, Spaceport Sweden, SSC, Umbilical, ÅAC Microtec and more are also technical partners of ESA BIC Sweden.
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Arctic Business Incubator AB
Aurorum 1 C
S-977 75 Luleå
To contact us, use the form or send email to one of us below: or at one of the ESA BIC sites in Sweden;
Kristina Öhman (Arctic Business)
Jens Lundström (Arctic Business)
Christian Adleborn (Arctic Business)
Joacim Brauner (Uppsala Innovation Centre)
Leonie Blum (Ideon Science Park)
Deborah Lygonis (Innovatum)
“Over the first five years, the centres will help 40 Swedish start-up companies to get their businesses going, creating local high-tech jobs. The companies will receive seed funding and be able to tap into additional resources in support.”
ESA BIC Sweden centres
There are four ESA BIC Sweden centres located in Luleå at Arctic Business, in Uppsala at Uppsala Innovation Centre, in Trollhättan at Innovatum Science Park
and in Lund at Ideon Science Park.